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What makes a great DCS Squadron?

For those of us who have been around in DCS World for some time find ourselves finding the single-player game could be lackluster. We seek to find others like ourselves who have taken the time to build a group of players intrested in playing DCS in a way that we may enjoy. The problem is that finding a group that fits your play style can be challenging, especially for those who haven’t flown online before or with organized groups. TACG 218 is different; our welcoming and experienced members prove that daily!

Join The 218 DCS Squadron

Looking for a DCS World Squadron?



When starting the journey into the DCS World online squadron, I found finding others who meet my play style challenging. I have joined a few groups in the past and spent years playing with those groups, only to find myself needing something.  In the first group, I had issues with the simulation style that the group required from me while also approaching training as a hands-off “find your own way” style. This made it so only one group member took the time to teach me what I needed to know, while the rest seemed part of a good old boys’ group. That member and I ended up leaving together to find a better team, hopefully. DCS Squadron
We ended up joining another group which was helpful and provided training. I learned a lot from that group and eventually became part of their leadership team, hoping to help them improve the community from what I had learned and improve their training program. It ended up that only when I finally left did they consider the changes I had requested and start to improve on some of the issues they had. I wasn’t alone in that I heard from many members the same problems that I had. Eventually, many members who were very dedicated to helping and developing the other members left.

What to Look For in a DCS Squadron?

No DCS squadron or online group is problem-free, but what are some things you should look for to make your choice when it comes to flying with a group of people?

Look for a DCS group that offers help for new members: Find that group, even if you dont need the service, that contributes to helping others who are new and joining in. Notice how they reach out to new members to see if their needs are being met and that more than one member is offering training. 
Find a group that meets your style: Are you into MilSim or casual? Most groups show their level of realism that you can be a part of. Pick a more relaxed group if you are not into doing perfect radio calls in DCS. Want to be somewhat realistic, maybe select a group that is MilSim-casual. 
Seek out a DCS squadron that allows for change: Many online groups find themselves in a dictator-type leadership style, where those who started the group are the masters with the keys to all ideas. Look for a group that offers feedback and takes it seriously if something needs to be addressed.
Join a DCS squadron with tools available: It’s a good idea to join a group with dedicated servers to spend the time you need to learn the game with those training you in a troll-free environment. 
Find a DCS group with the community: Do you see members wanting to hang out when they are not flying? Do you find group members joking with each other and enjoying their time together? DCS World, when played online, is about community. After all, we are looking for that, or we would be playing single-player. If people do not want to hang out when the game isn’t played, the group might lack that spark.
Join a DCS squadron that desires FUN: Is the group focused on having fun? Are they actively trying to make the time together enjoyable for everyone, doing special events, and building real connections? Are they taking part in some of the traditions expressed by the military to expand the experience of DCS? If you are not having fun, why are you playing the game? Find a DCS World Squadron

Tools to Find Squadrons

DCS World Forums Squadron Finder Reddit Wingman Finder


I hope some of these suggestions for what to look out for when joining a DCS squadron may help you find a group that fits your play style, mood, and what you are looking for. It may help you save some time and help you narrow down a group you will stick with for the long term. DCS is a time-intensive game, and something that takes even more time is building relationships with people online that you hope to last.