Finding DCS World Discord servers that fit your needs can be challenging. There are several great communities out there that offer various support or resources, but their way of joining is spread out. This short guide will help you find some of those essential resources to join whatever DCS Discord server fits your needs quickly.
DCS World Content and Support
The Official Eagle Dynamics Discord
Though not the most significant resource, the official DCS Discord channel, Official Eagle Dynamics Discord, must be mentioned first. This Discord represents the official Eagle Dynamics team and is one of the first outlets for news and updates from the DCS World developers.
Hoggit has become one of the leading online resources for DCS, specifically on Reddit. Their Discord is an extension of their support and provides links to their servers and information from a vast community of members and non-members.
Growling Sidewinders
Providing some of the best online video tutorials in DCS, this community has provided a Discord server that extends its already vast support into a community of resources that continues to expand. The Growling Sidewinder Discord server is one to check out if you are looking for more help on your way to mastering your DCS World aircraft.
With some of the best videos on tactics BVR, BFM, and more, BuddySpike leads in training air-to-air combat. Their Discord server is another extension of their available resources, making them unique.
As one of the developers for DCS’s aircraft, specifically the F-15E, Razbam is an excellent resource for learning some of their specific aircraft through their online community, and you can also find updates about their new developments in their Discord server.
Setting up VR in DCS can be a daunting experience. If you are looking for support on your specific headset or how to optimize your system better, VR4DCS is a great resource. They also offer some of the best tutorials on the internet for DCS on system optimization, though some of their stuff can be outdated. That is why it’s best to also reach out to the Discord support group, who will likely respond to your questions.
Tactical DCS
A Discord of about 8,500 pilots focuses on teaching and learning modules, airmanship, and regular events hosted on their servers, like module courses, weekly training Thursdays, weekly liberation campaigns, and more. Tactical DCS‘s dedicated team of instructors and mentors can be reached out via chat for questions, and a healthy collection of airmanship and airframe-specific resources offer all the reading or viewing pleasure you might want, including loads of custom-made learning materials compiled from public FAA, Usaf, and Navy documents.
DCS News
How I Play
One of our favorite news sources for DCS is HIP (How I Play). Their active Discord server provides a unique way to chat with the news team, as well as find out some of the more detailed information about all things DCS related.
Communities Focused on Multiplayer
What would this article be without mentioning our online community as an excellent way to learn aircraft in DCS and how to be a better team player? The 218 team teaches new players how to fly specific aircraft and offers missions as a team to show off your skills. Join the 218 DCS Discord Server.
Wingman Finder
If the 218 doesn’t suit your needs, the Wingman Finder Discord server surely will. Find others to fly with, find recruiting squadrons, or even post your info to see who will take you in with this excellent resource.
Mods Teams
IDF Mods Project
This mod team is doing excellent work updating some of the older generational aircraft provided by DCS to be more modern. Providing a two-seated F-16 and F-18 aircraft, the IDF Mods Project is a great resource.
Game Servers
The Enigma DCS servers offer some of the best PVP/PVE experiences on DCS. Their Discord Servers provide information on how to join their servers, voice channels for communicating with others, and also how to play. It’s highly suggested to learn more about what Enigma offers and join their Discord.
4YA offers basic training servers, making joining and fooling around with friends easy.
Keep This List Updated
Hopefully, this list of DCS World Discord servers provides you with a great start in finding the resources and tools needed to improve your DCS World experience. Don’t see a server listed that you think should be on this list? Comment below, and we will do our best to get it added.
I’d recommend the Fox3 managed solutions guys as well!
Great recommendation. We will update the list.
I’d recommend the Masterarm guys as well! They have DCS Dedicated server with fair prices.
Do you have to join to get the PW for the “Public” server?