by 218 | Jul 19, 2023 | Blog
TACG 218 is a squadron collection comprising a Tactical Aviation Command Group. If you are looking for a specific airframe to fly or learn how to fly, the 218 is a great group to start with. We train our pilots how to fly, fight with the aircraft, and become part of...
by 218 | Jul 14, 2023 | Blog
The DCS World F-15E Strike Eagle, otherwise known as the “Mud Hen,” has been released, and with that, players want to make this their primary aircraft in multiplayer DCS squadrons. TACG 218 has opened our F-15E DCS World squadron “War Dogs” to...
by 218 | Jul 12, 2023 | Blog
All the gamers and pilots in the world should rejoice! Early Access to DCS: F-15E, the highly anticipated first installment of a simulator depicting one of the most versatile fighter-bombers in aviation history, is now open to players. The F-15E, also known as the...
by 218 | Jun 22, 2023 | Blog
We just released our TACG 218 challenge coins. These challenge coins represent the TACG 218 team showing off the squadron’s motto of AD PACEM or “towards peace” with a removable sword that features the saying UNA VI or “one force” on the...
by 218 | Jun 22, 2023 | Blog
An Introduction to the Availability of DCS Sinai DCS: Sinai is a fantastic new addition to the field of aviation simulation, providing players with a vast and detailed globe to conquer. Players may now take control of the much-awaited new map region known as DCS:...
by 218 | Jun 16, 2023 | Blog
Because of its superior performance and maneuverability in combat, the Soviet Union’s MiG-17 subsonic fighter aircraft was a game-changer for the aviation industry. This jet was a game-changer in the sky; it greatly impacted combat methods and inspired...
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